How to use a braid star
🇬🇧 I do not know where and when the origin of the braid star is located. It reminds me very much of a simple variant of the Japanese Kumihimo. The Japanese word Kumihimo stands for braided cord, and that is exactly what can be made with the braid star. To start braiding a cord, you need 7 threads, which are…
How to use a Lucet (knitting) fork
Klick for English | Deutsch | Nederlands 🇬🇧 A lucet fork is a tool that was used for making cords. It probably dates back to the time of the Vikings and the Middle Ages. During that time, cords were used on clothing or to hang items from a belt. Today, the lucet fork is still a nice tool to make…
Knitting Basics 2: Knit and Purl
🇬🇧 The following videos show how to work knit and purl stitches. It is shown how to hold the yarn and where to position the thread. The resulting fabric, in particular the position of the purl bumps is shown, which is crucial for the structure of the knitted fabric (garter and stockinette). At the end of the tutorial, an example…
Knitting Basics 1: Cast On
🇬🇧 This following video is showing how to do a long tail cast on for continental knitting. It is starting with how to hold the thread. It is continuing with the cast on of stitches starting with and without a slip knot. The video has NO AUDIO and NO SUBTILE on purpose. This is making the video barrier-free since it…